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Public Work Class Environmental Assessment

Amendments to General Regulation 334 under the Environmental Assessment Act came into effect on June 12, 2019. IO has prepared a Public Notice to advise that the amendments exempt undertakings in respect of Government property that consist of a disposition of any interest in land, or a severance of land from the Environmental Assessment Act. The exemption for severance also means that IO will no longer seek local municipal request/consent for the Crown to sever land in sales transactions with certain third parties (private sector).

Amendments to the Environmental Assessment Act made under the Better Homes, More Choices Act came into effect in June 2019. IO has prepared a Public Notice to advise that the amendments exempt projects assigned Category A or screened to Category A under the PW Class EA from the Environmental Assessment Act.

Amendments to the Environmental Assessment Act made under the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act came into effect in July 2020. IO has prepared a Public Notice to advise that the amendments modify the process and rationale for requesting that a Class EA be elevated to an Individual EA.

Amendments to the Government Property Class EA came into effect Feb 22, 2024 to align with the move to a project list approach for projects that will require a comprehensive environmental assessment under the Environmental Assessment Act. IO has prepared a Public Notice that provides the information on those amendments.