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Searching for Projects

Projects Posted Within a Date Range

Use the Calendar icons to select “Posted Start Date” and “Posted End Date.”  The other fields must be empty.

Specific Project(s) by IO Project #

If you know the IO project number (e.g., 1030927, D03535, etc.), enter it in the field labelled “IO Project #:”

Note:  If you wish to carry out another search, delete the information you entered in this field.

Specific Project(s) by Keyword

In the field labelled “Keyword,” enter a word that could be part of the name of a site (e.g., Governors), its address (e.g., street name), a city or town (e.g., Ancaster), and the project description (e.g., disposition, demolition)

Note:  If you wish to carry out another search, delete the information you entered in this field.

Viewing Project Documents

If a search provides a list of one or more projects, click on “View” to see project documents.

Commenting on a Project

At the bottom of each page that provides information on a project, you will see these fields for your comments.

Note: The official dates between which comments can be received are provided on the Notice of Completion for a project. Comments will be accepted after the dates indicated, but for information purposes only. They will not be for official use unless received within the time frame noted on the Notice of Completion.