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Client Profile: Trent University

Located on the shore of the Otonabee River in Peterborough, Trent University opened its doors in 1964 and has distinguished itself as a leading Canadian educational institution. Trent University is noted for its internationally respected faculty, globally significant research, and world class facilities. The university is dedicated to providing students with an exceptional world view, producing graduates who are ready to succeed and make a difference in the world.

Trent UniversityA New Research Facility

In efforts to maintain the university’s long standing reputation as a leader in Forensic and Life Sciences, Trent decided to construct the new state-of-the-art DNA Research and Teaching Facility, an interdisciplinary research centre. In addition to its role as an academic teaching facility, the building also houses Greater Peterborough’s Natural Resources DNA Profiling and Forensics Centre plus researchers from Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources.

The DNA building was designed and created in three phases: Phase One involved the construction of a new complex: the DNA Research and Teaching Facility. Phase Two involved the addition of a Life and Health Sciences Department, while Phase Three involved the attachment of a biology wing.

The DNA Research and Teaching Facility contains advanced laboratories, modern classrooms, administrative offices, student lounges, and regional DNA Centres. The building houses the departments of Biology, Psychology, Anthropology, and Nursing. Also included in this complex is 8,500 square feet of animal care facilities, which meet federal environmental control standards.    

The Financing Solution

Trent University was able to obtain initial endowment through various federal, provincial and municipal grants. For the remaining funds, the university partnered with Infrastructure Ontario (IO) who financed all three phases of the project with long-term, affordable loans. 

Trent University was able to secure three 30-year loans for a total of $17.7 million. The first phase of construction began in 2005. The second construction phase commenced in 2008.  Construction of the third and latest phase began in 2009 and was completed in 2011.

“We are very pleased with Infrastructure Ontario’s Loan Program. IO provided the university with long-term financing for several projects at very attractive interest rates. The loan process was reasonable and IO’s staff were responsive to our requests.”

Steven Pillar, Vice-President, Administration - Trent University

A Success

The DNA Research and Teaching Facility has increased research and teaching capacities, providing ample space for expanded programs and an overall hands-on learning environment. Its latest extensions have integrated the scattered Faculty of Biology and coupled it alongside other Life and Health Science programs and research teams.

The new DNA Research and Teaching Facility solidifies Trent University as a leading provider of education in Forensic, Health, and Life Sciences.

For additional information on the client, please visit their website at